CLIL چگونه استفاده می شود؟
سلام دوستان این هفته با موضوع CLIL چگونه استفاده می شود؟ در خدمت تیچرز های عزیز هستم.
بسیاری از مدارس و سازمان های آموزش و پرورش می گویند که از CLIL استفاده می کنند. اما از آنجا که از CLIL در زمینه های مختلف استفاده می شود،
ممکن است در مورد وضعیت بسیار متفاوتی صحبت شود.
موضوعی نیرومند برگزار شود. با این حال ، هنگامی که معلمان کل مناطق برنامه درسی را به یک زبان دوم یا اضافی تحویل می دهند ، این سخت CLIL است.
• برخی مدارس و معلمان دوره کوتاه CLIL را ارائه می دهند. دوره های دیگر دوره CLIL در کل ترم یا سال است.
• بعضی از دوره های CLIL توسط یک معلم موضوع تدریس می شود که به اندازه کافی انگلیسی صحبت می کند تا این کار را انجام دهد ، یا یک معلم انگلیسی که CLIL CONTENT را مدیریت می کند.
CLIL چگونه استفاده می شود؟
How is CLIL offered around the world(and who teach it)?
Many school and education organization say that they use CLIL. However because CLIL is used in many different context, they may be talking about very different situation.
Many people talk about SOFT CLIL* and HARD CLIL*. SOFT CLIL happens when some language learning is organized with strong subject content. However, when teachers deliver whole areas of the curriculum in a second or additional language, this is hard CLIL.
Some schools and teachers offer short CLIL course. other have CLIL course running through a whole semester or year.
Some CLIL course are taught by a subject teacher who speak English well enough to do this, or by an English teacher who con manage the CLIL CONTENT.
In some situation, the students study the content first in their L1 and then again with a language teacher who can focus on the CLIL language.
In many situation , subject teacher and English teachers work together so that language lessons back up the subject lesson language.
* SOFT CLIL: when people teach some (part of) lessons, but not all, using CLIL.
* HARD CLIL: when everything that the students do is organized for content and language integrated instruction (CLIL).
How to make CLIL successful
Teacher who are using the CLIL language need to have a good enough level of that language so that they can model the sentences and phrases that the student need.
When language and subject teachers work together, they need time to prepare and liaise with each other.
When teacher are using CLIL for the first time, they need proper training and support. This is especially true if they have been non-CLIL language teachers before.
ASSESSMENT and TESTING of CLIL have to support CLIL teaching.
معلم خلاقی باش.
این روش هایی که برات ارائه میدم رو برای کیفیت کار خودت استفاده کن.