STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)


(1)          Who is Osama Bin Laden?

(2)          What do you know about him?

(3)          When did you first hear about Osama Bin Laden?

(4)          What are your feelings towards Bin Laden?

(5)          How do you think he managed to evade capture for so long?

(6)          Do you think he was really controlling the war on terror?

(7)          Why do some Muslims idolize Osama Bin Laden?

(8)          What did Osama Bin Laden want from the West?

(9)          What do you think will happen to Al Qaeda now?

(10)        What do you think of the news coverage of Bin Laden’s death?


STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)


(1)          If you had met Osama Bin Laden, what would you have said to him?

(2)          What motivated Bin Laden to start attacking western targets?

(3)          Why did he declare a fatwa against the United States?

(4)          What would happen to the war on terror if Bin Laden had been captured earlier?

(5)          How did Bin Laden found al-Qaeda?

(6)          What do we have to learn from Bin Laden’s life and death?

(7)          Why was Bin Laden on America’s side in Afghanistan in the 1980s?

(8)          How has Osama Bin Laden changed the world?

(9)          How will he be remembered in history by Muslims and by nations attacked by al-Qaeda?

(10)        How did you feel when you discovered Bin Laden was dead?