گرامر Used to

امروز قصد دارم کاربرد و ساختار جملات گرامر Used to رو بهتون آموزش بدم.

ما از گرامر Used to، وقتی استفاده می‌کنیم که بخواهیم در مورد عادت‌هایی در گذشته یا در مورد کارهای تکراری و روتین در گذشته صحبت کنیم که الان دیگر انجام نمی‌شوند.

گرامر Used to
گرامر Used to

ساختار جمله:

Used to / didn’t use to + base form of the verb

I used to be lazy

I used to run fast

She used to be responsible

She used to go fishing every weekend

We used to play every sunday morning

I used to be weak

I used to be strong

She used to be fit

She used to be fat

He used to be shy

He used to be polite

We used to drink a lot

We used to study harder

They used to have a beard

They used to have a mustache

I didn’t use to read horror books

didn’t use to play tennis

didn’t use to do exercises

You didn’t use to live here

You didn’t use to study French

You didn’t use to run fast

She didn’t use to like Rock

She didn’t use to like Romantic music

She didn’t use to go out a lot

We didn’t use to come here for lunch

We didn’t use to talk after breakfast

We didn’t use to drink after work

سوالی کردن used to:

… + did/didn’t + subject +  use to + base form

Did you use to play soccer?

Yes but I have a job now

Did you use to program?

Yes, but now I work in the bank

Did you use to drink alcohol?

Yes, but now I don’t

Did you use to play video games?

Yes and I still do

Did you use to be shy?

I used to be shy but now I am talkative.

Did you use to play among us?

Yes, I Did. I used to play with strangers

Did she use to dye her hair?

Yes, all the time, pink, yellow, green, you name it

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