لغات مربوط به disability
برای دانلود پی دی اف و فایل آموزشی روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید:
1. Disability – ناتوانی
2. Impairment – نقص
3. Accessibility – دسترسی
4. Inclusion – گنجایش
5. Accommodation – تنظیمات
6. Mobility – تحرک
7. Advocacy – حمایت
8. Support – پشتیبانی
9. Rehabilitation – بازتوانی
10. Assistive technology – فناوری کمکی
11. Awareness – آگاهی
12. Sensory – حسی
13. Learning disability – ناتوانی یادگیری
14. Physical disability – ناتوانی جسمی
15. Mental health – سلامت روان
16. Developmental disability – ناتوانی توسعهای
17. Social integration – ادغام اجتماعی
18. Rights – حقوق
19. Equal opportunity – فرصت برابر
20. Discrimination – تبعیض
21. Barrier – مانع
22. Community – جامعه
23. Caregiver – پرستار
24. Empowerment – توانمندسازی
25. Advocacy group – گروه حمایت
26. Special education – آموزش ویژه
27. Therapy – درمان
28. Inclusion policy – سیاست گنجایش
29. Social services – خدمات اجتماعی
30. Job training – آموزش شغلی
31. Employment – استخدام
32. Quality of life – کیفیت زندگی
33. Autonomy – خودمختاری
34. Support network – شبکه پشتیبانی
35. Special needs – نیازهای ویژه
36. Rehabilitation center – مرکز بازتوانی
37. Disability rights – حقوق ناتوانان
38. Cultural competence – شایستگی فرهنگی
39. Independence – استقلال
40. Communication – ارتباط
41. Sensitivity training – آموزش حساسیت
42. Routine – روال
43. Housing – مسکن
44. Transportation – حمل و نقل
45. Policy – سیاست
46. Resources – منابع
47. Funding – تأمین مالی
48. Research – تحقیق
49. Community awareness – آگاهی جامعه
50. Legislation – قانونگذاری
Text Using the Vocabulary
Disability is a broad term that encompasses various impairments affecting individuals’ ability to perform daily activities. It is essential to promote accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities in all aspects of life. Advocacy plays a crucial role in raising awareness about the rights of individuals with disabilities, ensuring they receive equal opportunities and support.
Accessibility involves creating environments that accommodate mobility challenges and sensory impairments. Assistive technology can greatly enhance independence, allowing individuals to navigate their surroundings more effectively. Rehabilitation services, including therapy and job training, are vital for empowering individuals to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.
Special education programs are essential for students with learning disabilities, providing tailored resources to support their educational journey. Additionally, caregiver support and community integration are key factors in fostering a sense of belonging for people with disabilities.
By implementing inclusive policies and engaging in sensitivity training, society can break down barriers and combat discrimination. Promoting awareness and understanding within communities helps create a supportive environment that values diversity and empowers individuals with disabilities to thrive.
Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their abilities, has access to the resources and opportunities they need to lead fulfilling lives. Legislation that protects disability rights is crucial in this ongoing effort to create a more inclusive society.
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