لغات مربوط به Culture

لغات مربوط به Culture
لغات مربوط به Culture

برای دانلود فایل آموزشی و پی دی اف لغات مربوط به Culture روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید:

لغات مربوط به Culture

  1. Culture – فرهنگ
  2. Tradition – سنت
  3. Customs – آداب و رسوم
  4. Heritage – میراث
  5. Identity – هویت
  6. Society – جامعه
  7. Diversity – تنوع
  8. Values – ارزش‌ها
  9. Norms – هنجارها
  10. Beliefs – باورها
  11. Language – زبان
  12. Arts – هنرها
  13. Music – موسیقی
  14. Dance – رقص
  15. Cuisine – آشپزی
  16. Religion – مذهب
  17. Festival – جشنواره
  18. Folklore – افسانه‌ها
  19. Rituals – آیین‌ها
  20. Community – جامعه
  21. History – تاریخ
  22. Anthropology – انسان‌شناسی
  23. Sociology – جامعه‌شناسی
  24. Innovation – نوآوری
  25. Expression – ابراز
  26. Interactions – تعاملات
  27. Globalization – جهانی‌سازی
  28. Adaptation – سازگاری
  29. Artifacts – آثار فرهنگی
  30. Literature – ادبیات
  31. Philosophy – فلسفه
  32. Education – آموزش
  33. Gender roles – نقش‌های جنسیتی
  34. Socialization – اجتماعی شدن
  35. Emotions – احساسات
  36. Heritage sites – سایت‌های میراث
  37. Cultural exchange – تبادل فرهنگی
  38. Multiculturalism – چندفرهنگی
  39. Identity crisis – بحران هویت
  40. Public opinion – نظر عمومی
  41. Tradition bearers – حاملان سنت
  42. Cultural policy – سیاست فرهنگی
  43. Artistic expression – ابراز هنری
  44. Media – رسانه
  45. Communication – ارتباط
  46. Values system – سیستم ارزش‌ها
  47. Ethnicity – قومیت
  48. Heritage conservation – حفاظت از میراث
  49. Empowerment – توانمندسازی
  50. Community engagement – مشارکت جامعه


Text Using the Vocabulary


Culture is a complex tapestry woven from traditions, customs, and values that define a society. It shapes our identity and influences how we interact with one another. Diversity within a culture enriches our experiences, allowing for a broader understanding of different beliefs and practices.


Art, music, and dance are vital forms of artistic expression that reflect cultural heritage. Festivals celebrate these expressions, bringing communities together and fostering a sense of belonging. Cuisine, too, serves as a delicious reminder of cultural history, with recipes passed down through generations.


Language plays a crucial role in culture, serving as both a means of communication and a vessel for heritage. Literature and folklore capture the essence of a culture’s values and norms, while rituals and ceremonies strengthen communal bonds.


Globalization has facilitated cultural exchange, allowing societies to learn from one another. However, this can also lead to challenges, such as identity crises and the dilution of local customs. It is essential to balance adaptation with the preservation of cultural identity.


Cultural policies that promote heritage conservation and community engagement are vital for empowering individuals and groups. Public opinion often shapes these policies, reflecting society’s values and priorities. Fostering an environment of respect and appreciation for cultural diversity can create a more inclusive world.


Ultimately, culture is not just a backdrop for our lives; it is the very essence of who we are. Understanding and celebrating our cultural differences can lead to deeper connections and a richer, more harmonious society.