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باران اسیدی Acid rain

باران اسیدی Acid rain


دانلود پی دی اف لغات:

باران اسیدی

  1. acid rain /ˈæsəd reɪn /

باران اسیدی

  1. cagoule /kəˈɡuːl /

بارانی کلاه‌دار

  1. changeable /ˈʧeɪnʤəbəl /


  1. cloudburst /ˈklaʊdbɜːrst /


  1. deluge /ˈdeljuːdʒ /


  1. downpour /ˈdaʊnpɔːr /


  1. drench /drɛnʧ /

خیس کردن

  1. drizzle /ˈdrɪzəl /


  1. drizzle /ˈdrɪzəl /

نم نم باران باریدن

  1. drought /draʊt /


  1. flash flood /ˈflæʃ flʌd /

سیل ناگهانی

  1. flood /flʌd /


  1. flood /flʌd /

سیل زده کردن

  1. hail /heɪl /


  1. hail /heɪl /

تگرگ باریدن

  1. hailstone /ˈheɪlstoʊn /

دانه‌های تگرگ

  1. mac /mæk /

بارانی (نوعی کت بلند و ضدآب)

  1. monsoon /mɑnˈsun /

باد و باران موسمی

  1. pluvial /ˈpluːviəl /


  1. pour /pɔːr /

باران شدید آمدن

  1. precipitation /prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn /

بارندگی (برف، باران)

  1. puddle /ˈpʌdl /

گودال آب

  1. rain /reɪn /


  1. rain /reɪn /

باران آمدن

  1. raincoat /ˈreɪn.koʊt /

پالتوی بارانی

  1. raindrop /ˈreɪndrɑːp /

قطره باران

  1. rainfall /ˈreɪnfɔːl /


  1. rainstorm /ˈreɪnˌstɔrm /

باد و باران

  1. rainwater /ˈreɪnwɔːtər /

آب باران

  1. rainy /ˈreɪn.i /


  1. shelter /ˈʃel.t̬ər /

پناه گرفتن

  1. shower /ˈʃɑʊər /

رگبار (باران یا برف)

  1. showery /ˈʃaʊəri /


  1. sleet /sliːt /


  1. sleet /sliːt /

برف‌باران باریدن

  1. soak /soʊk /

خیس کردن

  1. spit /spɪt /

نم‌نم باران باریدن

  1. spot /spɑt /


  1. sprinkle /ˈsprɪŋkl /

نم‌نم باران باریدن

  1. storm /stɔːrm /


  1. stormy /ˈstɔːrmi /


  1. thunderstorm /ˈθʌndərstɔːrm /

طوفان تندری

  1. umbrella /ʌmˈbrelə /


  1. waterproof /ˈwɔːt̬.ərˌpruːf /

ضد آب

  1. wet /wet /


Acid Rain:(part1)

An Environmental Concern Acid rain, characterized by its harmful effects on the environment, is a significant issue that has arisen due to industrial pollution. Unlike regular rain, which nourishes plants and replenishes water sources, acid rain can lead to severe ecological damage. When precipitation occurs, it can manifest in various forms, including drizzle, downpour, or even a cloudburst. Acid rain is often the result of emissions from factories, which combine with moisture in the atmosphere.

Acid Rain:(part2)

This leads to a changeable weather pattern that can cause sudden deluges or flash floods, soaking the ground and altering the landscape dramatically. People often seek shelter from rainstorms by using umbrellas or raincoats, such as a mac or a cagoule. However, during a severe acid rain event, these protective measures might not suffice. The acidic composition of the rain can drench everything it touches, leading to corrosion of buildings and detrimental effects on aquatic life.

Moreover, the consequences of acid rain extend beyond immediate rainfall. While a drought may bring a temporary reprieve, the long-term impact of acid rain can lead to soil degradation and reduced biodiversity, making ecosystems vulnerable to further environmental stresses. In regions affected by monsoons, the risk of acid rain can be exacerbated, resulting in a greater frequency of storms and heavy rainfall

. As climate change continues to alter precipitation patterns, the likelihood of encountering acid rain may increase, posing a serious threat to natural habitats. In summary, acid rain is not just a weather phenomenon; it represents a complex interplay between human activity and natural processes. Addressing this issue requires global cooperation to reduce emissions and protect our environment for future generations.

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